Hand Grown, Hand Picked, Hand Packed

Lonnie's Chai

Lonnie's Chai feature image
| Posted in: Drinks

You can buy Lonni’s Chai at Nana’s Pantry in Bundaberg, get it on the menu at Indulge or make your own with this recipe.

To prepare 1 serving

1 heaped teaspoon of Lonni’s Chai or your own favourite blend

2/3 cup cold (preferably filtered) water

1/3 cup of your favourite milk (cow, almond, macadamia, soy, coconut, rice or oat milk)

Good grating of fresh Bunda Ginga (to your taste)


If you are short on time chai is good made in a plunger (with boiled water and warmed milk) or a tea pot. Don’t forget to use a strainer and then add your honey or syrup once poured into your cup.

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